Principal's Message
Dear Friends,
Greetings from South India Biblical Seminary (SIBS), Karnataka!
Rick Warren in his best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? writes, “We are not saved by serving, but we are saved for serving.” Christian understanding of salvation is a divine invitation to a life of purpose and service. It is a call to transformative action. Saved to Serve! is the motto of SIBS.
To be saved is to be equipped – to serve others. It is to the ministry of equipping (others) that the founders of the Seminary committed themselves. Since 1937, SIBS has faithfully discharged this mandate. Over the years, our graduates have been involved in this ministry of ‘serving others’ both in India and elsewhere.
At SIBS, we emphasise a wholistic approach to theological education. For us, theological education is ministerial formation. Equal importance is given to academic, ministerial and spiritual activities. If you desire to be equipped to ‘serve others,’ we invite you to SIBS. Come, visit us, and if the Lord speaks to your heart, then join us (either residentially or through extension).
We are primarily affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College (University) for the Bachelor of Divinity (BD) program. SIBS is also accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA) for MDiv. program. Apart from these, we also offer theological education through extension. These programs are affiliated to the SSC.
Theological education in India needs your constant prayers and support. We invite you to actively participate in this important endeavour by partnering with us either by sponsoring a theological student, or supporting our ministry through prayers and financial contributions. Your participation in this great endeavour of ministerial formation helps not only in the growth and establishment of Kin-dom of God on earth (both in India and globally) but also to the strengthening of the ‘sovereign-socialist-secular-democratic’ fabric our nation.
Thank you for taking out your valuable time to discover more about SIBS. We eagerly anticipate your collaboration, friendship, and active involvement in our efforts to further theological education and ministerial formation in our nation.
Will you take the next step and enrol at SIBS?
In Christ,
Dr. Samuel George
South India Biblical Seminary
Affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College (University)
Accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA)
P.O. Box. 20, Anandagiri
Bangarapet, Karnataka, India - 563114.
Contact Us
Phone: +91 78992 42166